Marius Mariakinas

For 10 years I build IT systems for business, mostly CMS, ERP types, mostly i work alone and build Web, Mobile, Server and DevOps, but from time to time I work with designers, project managers and other developers depending on the projects and companies budget.

What i do


Next, React, TailwindCSS, Material UI, Mantine UI, Chakra UI, TypeScript, Rest, GraphQL, Forms & Form Validations, Date Range Pickers, State Management, HTML, CSS, JS

Mobile (iOS & Android)

React Native, Expo, TypeScript, Notifications, Apple App Store & Google Play Store, Local Storages


Node, Fastify, Express, Bun, Elysia, Hono, TypeScript, Rest API, GraphQL, WebSockets, Route Security, PostgreSQL, Drizzle ORM, Kysely


Railway, AWS, GCP, Heroku, Vercel, CI/CD, Docker, GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab
